Hi!, I am
Ivan Toneatto

Front-end Developer

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I am a person that gets inspired by what I likes, which has led me to the world of programming and development, I desire to continue learning, facing new challenges and applying my knowledge.

˅ My Projects ˅

5SEIS | Innovative Brand Experiences

Immersive Experience NYC

Development of a Landing Page and Mailing system for an international Meta event in New York City.

This project was made for a tiny group of CEOs from different Latin America countries like Brazil and Mexico with a high attention to details.

5SEIS | Innovative Brand Experiences


A website made with a register system that creates a unique QR for each person in the page and sends the QR to the user’s email. This QR can be scanned with a scanner I made to verify the user and confirm the assistance in a data base, the users and the assistances can be monitored in a third page I made.

The technologies I used for this project are: HTML, CSS, JS, Firebase, React, HTMLScanner, NodeJS, Nodemailer and axios.

5SEIS | Innovative Brand Experiences

Academia De Expertos

Development of a courses website, that segments users by types and gives them different accesses within the auditorium of the page along with trivias.

The technologies I used for this project are: HTML, CSS, JS and Firebase.

Additionally, I made an admin page to be able to modify and add some users to the page using: React, React-Router-Dom and Firebase.

March 2022

Grupal project

Complex SPA with many functionalities, the page has a functional Login system who works with JSON web token and contains functionalities with Google Maps and PayPal. For the front-end we used React, Redux, CSS3 and HTML5 and for the back-end we used Express, Sequelize, SQL (PostgreSQL).

Jan 2022 - Feb 2022

Individual project

SPA developed using the following technologies:
Front-end: React, Redux y CSS.
Back-end: Sequelize, Express y PostgreSQL.
In addition, I decided to give it an aesthetic related to my favorite video game: 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim'